Why Dogechain’s New Roadmap Reveal May Be The Much-Needed Push For The Chain of Memes & Dreams

Aniel Essien
6 min readApr 26, 2023


A good follow of Dogechain will show you that if there is anything worth knowing, it is that the community is great and the team always listens. Hence, every activity and event that takes place is always tailored to meet the needs and wants of its community. Either way or the other, they truly wanted it, anticipated it, and got it.

That is the case of the New Roadmap Reveal of Dogechain. This new Roadmap was revealed on one of our favourite 4/20, which also happens to be DogeDay and this reveal was in response to the feedback of the Dogechain community at large.

What is the content of the New Roadmap that has the Dogechain community super excited?

1. Build-A-Doge Factory

This has become one of the most anticipated highlights in the Roadmap and many Shibes are excited to jump on creating already.

This is why we are excited!

We do know that Dogechain was created to be a memechain, promoting the use of DOGE for actual DeFi utilities and enabling the creation of hundreds of memecoins when it first launched.

But in the long run, while the DOGE utility on Dogechain has been sustained, a lot of memecoins that launched in its early days creating a surge in activity are no more die to the general market condition and several rugpulls, which of course is somewhat unusual in the memecoin industry but has led to a decline in the interest of community members.

However, Dogechain is the chain of memes and dreams and the team believes that as a chain pushing the ethos of Dogecoin, it has to provide an ecosystem where the community can launch their coins and trade them with negligible fees.

Build-A-Doge is what the Dogechain community needs to create a boost and attract more players into the ecosystem.

Build-A-Doge is an exclusive DOG-20 token minter coming straight from Dogechain developer code presses. It will allow communities to easily create their DOG-20 tokens on the Dogechain mainnet and directly plug them into the growing meme economy on the chain.

As more welcoming news, it is a no-code solution, and this means any user can build their tokens even when they have no coding experience. It allows users to create and customize their own meme tokens on Dogechain. Users can choose from different attributes and features for their tokens, such as name, symbol, logo, supply, burn rate, and meme power.

Users can be focused on building their communities and accessing a bug-free smart contract for their tokens. Moreover, since the product is launched by the Dogechain Dev Team, you can rest assured that there are no malicious backdoors that could compromise your token economy.

Combined with powerful V2 and V3 AMM from Quickswap, Build-A-Doge will unquestionably act as a catalyst to grow the TVL of the chain on memes and dreams. Users can list, trade, collect, and LP their meme tokens with other users on Quickswap or any other recognized swap on Dogechain.

The Build-A-Doge Factory is expected to launch on April 26, 2023.

2. The Great Burn REDUX

I think this was one of the most contested feedback in the Dogechain community.

At the beginning of the $DC token launch, which happened as an airdrop to active users of the chain (Shibes who bridged DOGE to WDOGE via the Dogechain official native bridge), followed by a couple of listings on exchanges, the tokenomics of $DC appeared to be too large at launch with 1 trillion total supply.

The community asked for a reduction and after several appeals, the Dogechain team listened. First, Dogechain began burning unclaimed tokens from its Early Shibes 6 months airdrop (which ended in March 2023) and then, a massive burn was proposed with a majority of community members going for an 80% total supply burn.

This can be on record to be one of the most phenomenal burns in the history of crypto reducing $DC’s total supply from 1 trillion to 200 billion. But it seems, after a while, the community still was not comfortable with having 200 billion tokens as a total supply and several voices aired their opinions in the community.

Again, after months of getting this feedback regularly, the Dogechain team has risen to give its community what they want — a Great BURN! But it is up to the community to decide the percentage of the total supply they want to burn this time. 10%? 20%? 50%? Or even 80%? Or none at all?

You can join the Reddit discussion and put down your opinion. The team will sieve through this discussion and use the majority dominant voice to formulate the final proposal and governance vote which would go live on April 28th, 2023 on Dogegress Governance Forum and whatever is most voted for at the end of the vote will be passed.

At this rate, there might just be another great burn! Join the discussion and share your opinion.

3. Integration of the veDC as a Governance Token.

$DC is the official native token of Dogechain with 2 basic use cases — staking and governance.

While you can hold it for governance, holding doesn’t give you many benefits cos you can only use it (for now) to trade in an open or speculative market. So, what is your better option? Stake it.

Staking DC comes with a better rewards package. When you lock your $DC for a period, for the period of the lock-up, you get rewards that stay locked till the end of the period. However, for locking up your DC, you get veDC (vote-escrow $DC) by the multiplier of your lock-up period.

For instance, if you choose a lock-up period of 1 month, the multiplier is 1.1×, so locking up 100 DC, you will receive 110 veDC. The longer the lock-up period, the higher the multiplier. 4 years of lock-up has a multiplier of 8.8×.

Now, you can delegate that veDC to Validators to get DC rewards at every new block formed and you can undelegate at any time. That is why staking $DC is a more attractive option in the Dogechain ecosystem.

To give community members more thrill to stake their DC, the Dogechain team has decided to make veDC a governance token, usable on the Dogegress Governance Platform. So even if your DC is staked, you can still take an active part in governance and have more voting power.

This integration will take place on April 27th, 2023, before the governance vote for the Great Burn REDUX commences.

With the above-mentioned activities, we can summarize our roadmap to be:

04/20–04/27 — Great Burn REDUX Reddit Discussion.

04/26 — Build-A-Doge Workshop Launches.

04/27 — veDC Integration as Governance Token.

04/28–05/05 — Great Burn REDUX Governance Vote.

05/08 — Great Burn REDUX!

What Does This Say About The Dogechain Ecosystem?

There is an ambition for continuous growth and the team simply listens!

The community is the centre of Dogechain and every activity is created to keep every member attuned with a sense of belonging. If you are a part of the Dogechain ecosystem, none of your suggestions goes unnoticed.

The team is continuously watching and taking down notes, ready to implement them when the time is right. This is what makes the Dogechain community across all its socials such as Telegram truly feel like a family.

Also, every highlight on the roadmap serves as a big propeller to push Dogechain to the eyes and sights of more users in the larger crypto, Web3, and DeFi industries.

- A total supply burn would create more scarcity and in turn, may likely increase the value of the $DC token.

- The launch of the Build-A-Doge workshop will bring more traction to Dogechain as more memecoins can get launched easily on the chain, while also being able to deploy real utility for these tokens.

- Using veDC for governance will convince more holders to stake their tokens, thereby creating more $DC scarcity in the market.

All options can grow the market cap of $DC exponentially.

About Dogechain

Dogechain is a Layer 1 blockchain that leverages the Polygon Edge framework to become a stand-alone EVM-compatible chain. It was created to bring utility to Dogecoin ($DOGE) by enabling it to be wrapped by a smart contract and bridged to the chain where it can be used to engage in different Web3 and DeFi use cases.

Dogechain is popularly called the “memechain” It is a community-first ecosystem for $DOGE believers and holders created by Dogecoin enthusiasts who believed that $DOGE can do more than just be held.

Connect and stay updated with the latest news and updates of the Dogechain Family by joining its social sites:https://linktr.ee/dogechain

