Web3 Games: Trikon’s Role in Delivering the Best Experiences

Aniel Essien
3 min readApr 26, 2023


Web3 games are a new breed of video games that are built on decentralized blockchain technology. Unlike traditional video games that are controlled by centralized game developers, Web3 games operate on a decentralized network, allowing players to own and control their game assets, interact with other players in a trustless manner, and earn real-world rewards for their gameplay achievements.

Web3 games are an exciting new frontier in the world of gaming, offering players a new level of ownership and control over their gaming experiences, as well as the potential to earn real-world rewards for their gameplay achievements. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative Web3 games emerge in the years to come.

Web3 games offer a new and exciting way to play games, with benefits such as ownership of assets, interoperability, decentralized economies, increased transparency, and community-driven development. These benefits can provide players with a more immersive and rewarding game experience, while also contributing to the growth and development of the Web3 ecosystem.

There are amazing games in the Web3 gaming space, and some of them are Battletabs, Panzerdogs, Decentraland, World of Kyoudai, etc. These are games that offer unique gameplay experiences to players.

In its aim to provide seamless access to fun and rewarding Web3 games through its revolutionary proof-of-reward consensus mechanism for users and developers, Trikon Blockchain offers three great games. These are Battletabs, Panzerdogs, and World of Kyoudai.

Battletabs is a strategy game that takes place on a virtual tabletop. Players can create their own units and formations, and then engage in battles against other players. The game uses blockchain technology to ensure that each unit is unique and cannot be duplicated. Players can earn cryptocurrency rewards for winning battles and for creating unique units that other players want to use.

Panzerdogs is a team-based multiplayer shooter game that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. Players can customize their own tanks and then compete against other players in fast-paced battles. The game uses blockchain technology to ensure that each tank is unique and that ownership is verifiable. Players can earn cryptocurrency rewards for winning battles and for contributing to the development of the game.

World of Kyoudai is a cooperative puzzle game that takes place in a mystical world. Players must work together to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles in order to progress through the game. The game uses blockchain technology to ensure that ownership of in-game items is verifiable and that players can trade items securely. Players can earn cryptocurrency rewards for solving puzzles and for contributing to the development of the game.

All three of these games offer unique gameplay experiences that are made possible by the use of blockchain technology. By leveraging the security and verifiability of the blockchain, these games allow players to truly own and control their in-game assets, and to earn real-world rewards for their achievements.

As the Web3 gaming industry continues to grow, we can expect to see even more innovative games that push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of gaming.

To tackle the challenge of difficulty in trading in-game assets, Trikon developed the Trikon vault where players can own a wallet, and trade NFTs from the Trikon blockchain and other blockchains. The vault also makes it easy to manage assets owned.

Visit the Trikon website to access the intriguing world of Web3 games where you can get rewarded for having fun.

