Understanding the Importance of A51 Finance & How to Provide Liquidity to Dogechain LP Pools on Quickswap DEX Through the Protocol

Aniel Essien
8 min readNov 27, 2023


Liquidity provision is a vital function in Web3, the decentralized and open internet powered by blockchain technology. It enables the exchange of different assets and tokens without intermediaries, creating a more efficient and inclusive financial system.

In the same vein, Liquidity providers (LPs) are the ones who supply the assets to the liquidity pools, where they can be traded by other users. In return, LPs earn fees from the trades that occur within their pools.

However, liquidity provision is not without its challenges. One of the main issues is how to allocate the assets within the pools to optimize the returns and minimize the risks.

Traditionally, liquidity pools have used a constant product formula, which means that the assets are distributed evenly across the entire price spectrum. This approach has some drawbacks, such as low capital efficiency, high exposure to price volatility, and significant impermanent loss.

Impermanent loss can erode the profits from the fees, or even result in a net loss for the LPs.

To address these issues, a new innovation was introduced by Uniswap v3, the leading decentralized exchange (DEX) on Ethereum, called Concentrated Liquidity Provision.

The innovation allows LPs to choose a specific price range for their assets, instead of spreading them across the whole spectrum. This way, LPs can target the most active and profitable price zones, capture more fees, reduce their exposure to extreme price movements, and potentially improve their capital efficiency.

Concentrated liquidity provision gives LPs more control and flexibility over their investment strategies, enabling them to tailor them to their specific goals and preferences.

However, there are also new complexities and challenges attached to this new paradigm. It requires a deeper understanding of the market dynamics and the risks associated with impermanent loss, which can vary depending on the chosen price range.

LPs face a trade-off; they can earn higher fees with narrower ranges, but also risk greater impermanent losses. Moreover, LPs need to constantly monitor the market and manually adjust their ranges to keep up with the price fluctuations. This can be time-consuming, tedious, and stressful, especially for retail LPs who may not have the expertise, resources, or patience to do so.

This is where a proper toolkit for liquidity provision becomes essential. LPs need the following tools:

- Tools that can help them navigate the complex and dynamic landscape of concentrated liquidity provision, and make informed and optimal decisions.

- Tools that can automate the management of their capital, rebalance their portfolios, and adjust their ranges according to the market conditions.

- Tools that can cater to their diverse needs and risk appetites, and provide them with a simple and user-friendly experience.

Unfortunately, the current LP tooling infrastructure is flawed and inadequate. Most of the existing tools are either too manual and time-intensive or too rigid and generic. They do not account for the individual preferences and goals of each LP, nor do they adapt to the changing market environment. They also have a complex and unintuitive user interface, which can deter newcomers and beginners from participating in liquidity provision.

Hence, the a need for a better solution for liquidity provision in Web3, one that can:

- Empower LPs to achieve their desired outcomes safely and efficiently.

- Leverage the power of artificial intelligence and smart contracts to automate and optimize the liquidity provision process.

- Offer a customized and personalized service for each LP, based on their profile and preferences.

- Provide a simple and elegant user experience, that can lower the entry barrier and attract more users to the Web3 ecosystem.

The platform you need for all your liquidity provision worries is A51 Finance.

What is A51 Finance?

A51 Finance is a next-generation liquidity provision platform that is redefining liquidity provision by combining the flexibility and profitability of concentrated liquidity provision, and the simplicity and convenience of automated portfolio management. This is the ultimate toolkit for liquidity provision in Web3.

The platform is an autonomous liquidity provisioning protocol that aims to revolutionize and enhance the liquidity provision experience in Web3 by offering a suite of customizable and automated tools for LPs.

A51 Finance puts the control in the hands of LPs, allowing them to dictate their asset management and post-liquidity actions, and create and execute their own liquidity strategies. It empowers LPs with powerful analytics and insights, to help them keep track of, monitor, and optimize their liquidity positions and manage them in real-time, with data-driven tools.

A51 leverages the innovation of concentrated liquidity provision, introduced by Uniswap v3 and v4, which allows LPs to allocate their assets within a specific price range. This gives LPs more control and flexibility over their investment strategies, enabling them to target the most profitable and active price zones, capture more fees, reduce their exposure to extreme price volatility, and potentially improve their capital efficiency.

However, it goes beyond the basic functionality of concentrated liquidity provision, by offering a layer of automation and customization over existing AMMs.

A51 enables LPs to adjust various parameters of their liquidity strategies, such as:

  1. Market Modes

LPs can choose from different market modes, such as Bull, Bear, Dynamic, and Static, to suit their expectations and predictions of the market movements.

2. Rebasing Strategies

LPs can define how they want their liquidity to react to price fluctuations or periods of inactivity, such as expanding, contracting, or shifting their price ranges.

3. Exit Preferences

LPs can designate exit strategies for their liquidity, such as withdrawing, swapping, or staking, when certain conditions are met, such as reaching a target profit, a time limit, or a price threshold.

4. Liquidity Distribution

LPs can decide how they want to distribute their liquidity within their price ranges, with options like exponential, flat, or single tick, to optimize their returns and risks.

5. Hedging

LPs can hedge their positions by borrowing or trading options, to reduce their exposure to impermanent loss or price volatility.

The Market Modes on A51 Finance

One of the main features of A51 Finance is that it allows LPs to choose from different market modes, which determine how their liquidity positions will adjust to the price movements of the underlying assets.

Market modes are based on the macro market trends and the risk preferences of the LPs. They enable LPs to optimize their returns and minimize their losses under various market conditions.

The following are the market modes that A51 Finance offers:

  1. Bull Mode

This mode is suitable for LPs who expect the asset price to rise and want to capture the upward market trend.

In this mode, the liquidity position trails the current pool price as the asset price increases, expanding the upper bound of the price range and contracting the lower bound. This way, LPs earn more fees from the trades that occur within the higher price zone, and reduce their exposure to impermanent loss from the downward price movements.

The following illustration shows how the liquidity position changes in the bull mode:

2. Bear Mode

The bear mode is for LPs who expect the asset price to fall and want to capture the downward market trend.

In this mode, the liquidity position trails the current pool price as the asset price decreases, expanding the lower bound of the price range and contracting the upper bound.

With the mode, LPs can earn more fees from the trades that occur within the lower price zone, and reduce their exposure to impermanent loss from the upward price movements.

3. Sideways or Dynamic Mode

This is used when LPs have a clear expectation of the asset price direction and want to capture both upward and downward market trends. The liquidity position trails the current pool price in both directions, expanding both the upper and lower bounds of the price range.

As such, LPs can earn more fees from the trades that occur within the wider price zone, and reduce their exposure to impermanent loss from the price volatility.

4. Static Mode

This mode is suitable for LPs who want to have a stable and fixed liquidity position and do not want to adjust to the price movements of the underlying assets. In this mode, the liquidity position remains unchanged, regardless of the asset price changes.

LPs have a more predictable and consistent liquidity provision experience, and avoid the complexity and uncertainty of the dynamic modes.

Market modes are one of the ways that A51 gives LPs more control and flexibility over their liquidity strategies. LPs can choose the market mode that best suits their expectations and preferences, and enjoy the benefits of concentrated liquidity provision. The protocol also allows LPs to switch between different market modes, depending on the changing market conditions and their goals.

How to Supply Liquidity to Dogechain LP Pools on Quickswap Using A51 Finance.

With A51 Finance, LPs can provide liquidity to various pools on different DEXes and blockchains, and enjoy the benefits of concentrated liquidity provision and automated portfolio management.

One of the DEXes that A51 supports is Quickswap, a fast and low-cost DEX that is available on both the Polygon and Dogechain networks and A51 also provides support for both chains.

If you want to provide liquidity to Dogechain pools on Quickswap through A51 Finance, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to A51 Finance
  2. In the DEX list, select Quickswap as the exchange you want to use. In the Chain list, select Dogechain as the blockchain where you have your LP tokens.
  3. Connect your Dogechain-compatible wallet.
  4. Select the pair you want to provide liquidity to. You can choose from a variety of pairs, such as DOGE/QUICK, DOGE/USDC, QUICK/USDC, and more.
  5. Select the market mode based on your preferred choice.
  6. Input the number of tokens you want to supply for each token pair in the LP pool. You can also adjust the price range and the liquidity distribution of your position.
  7. Click on “Add Liquidity”.
  8. Confirm the transaction and you’ve added liquidity.

You have successfully provided liquidity to Dogechain pools on Quickswap. You can now monitor and manage your liquidity positions, and enjoy the rewards from the fees and the incentives.

About Dogechain

Dogechain is a Layer 1 blockchain that leverages the Polygon Edge framework to become a stand-alone EVM-compatible chain. It was created to bring utility to Dogecoin ($DOGE) by enabling it to be wrapped by a smart contract and bridged to the chain where it can be used to engage in different Web3 and DeFi use cases.

Dogechain is popularly called the “memechain” and it is a community-first ecosystem for $DOGE believers and holders created by Dogecoin enthusiasts who believed that $DOGE can do more than just be held.

Connect and stay updated with the latest news and updates of the Dogechain Family by joining its social sites: https://linktr.ee/dogechain

