Understanding The Fabric Of Bullieverse
While scoping out ideas for this article, I noticed one common thought playing out in different definitions of the metaverse. People are saying one thing in different ways: the internet today is gearing up towards one future. And it’s none other than the metaverse.
So no guys, the metaverse is not a weird version of Google Meet or Zoom, it’s a wide transition in the way we engage technology. And shortly, chances are the term metaverse will become antiquated as it evolves. And like Meta, Roblox, and a host of other tech companies shaping and contributing to metaverse technology, Bullieverse is dominating its niche as a fantasy metaverse island. It’s not your favourite holiday spot but you can meet new friends, have loads of fun and earn sweet rewards for_wait for it_ playing games! How cool is that?
The ever-expanding Bulliever Island is stacked with an irresistible game arcade for members of the community to earn from as they play. Three miles long and wide, membership is granted when you buy a Bullieverse Bull NFT. Then, you become a verified Citizen of Bulliever Island (COBI).
While exploring the island, I enjoyed Bullieverse’s first game from Q1 2022 called ‘The Bear. This game saw its Beta version launch in January 2022 and like other die-hard gamers, I’ve played enough to know that nothing brings a community together more than P2E games.
One thing anyone hunting for a Web3 project to pitch their tent with will find impressive is the different futuristic potentials that Bulliverse is created with. In light of this, Bullieverse communities will be able to do these 5 things on the metaverse:
- Make games
- Release games
- Play games
- Make assets
- Buy & lend assets
Community members can create games, play them and also own assets. To keep things running, Bulliverse has created two tokens to incentivize every role in the community. They are:
- Shell Token (in-game rewards)
- Bull Token (DAO governance)
On this island, it’s not all fun and games. Bullieverse is working with a set of framework elements. These elements make up the fabric of the Bulliverse vision and I’m going to break down the simplified version of this vision.
Before I do that, this fabric gives us the hat to bear out a decentralized metaverse created around a thriving family of creators, players, and owners.
That being said, Bullieverse is built around these frameworks:
- A retinue of captivating community-created games for play-to-earn rewards.
- A marketplace for gaming that enables smooth creator/player interaction.
- A simple, low-code creator engine and identification for creators and players.
- A scalable, safe gaming platform is reinforced on Polygon, Ethereum, and Unreal Engine to provide an immersive, gratifying experience.
- A rich metaverse for assets to be owned and transacted by the community.
Finally, on frameworks, Bullieverse has a remarkable Decentralized Autonomous organization to facilitate governance while helping the project scale maximally enough to achieve its vision of a self-sufficient gaming island.
With a team of seasoned Web3 investors, authors and developers, you can be sure that the Bullieverse team is going to surpass all their benchmarks using these powerful frameworks.
Website: https://bullieverse.com/
Whitepaper https://docs.bullieverse.com/white-paper/foreward/the-rise-of-metaverse
$BULL Contract address on Polygonscan: https://polygonscan.com/token/0x9f95e17b2668afe01f8fbd157068b0a4405cc08d
OpenSea : https://opensea.io/collection/citizens-of-bulliever-island
Gaming Assets Collection: https://opensea.io/collection/bullieverse-gaming-assets
LooksRare : https://looksrare.org/collections/0x329fa32F6520FB67Bb3C1fc3a6909BEb8239544c
Honorary Collection: https://opensea.io/collection/honorary-citizens-bulliever-island
Superhero Collection: https://opensea.io/collection/bulliever-island-superheroes
BarBearian Collection: https://opensea.io/collection/barbearians
Medium: https://medium.com/bullieverse
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Bullieverse
Telegram Official Announcements: https://t.me/BullieverseAnnouncements
Telegram Official Chat: https://t.me/Bullieverse
Twitch TV Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/bullieverse
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bullieverse/
Merch Store: https://www.uniqly.io/stores/bullieverse
Kucoin: https://www.kucoin.com/trade/BULL-USDT?rcode=e21sNJ
Huobi: https://www.huobi.com/en-us/exchange/bull_usdt
Official Smart Contract Address
$BULL 0x9f95e17b2668afe01f8fbd157068b0a4405cc08d
$PBULL 0xd3b8bc1e958f5a3a4938eee8313a7d9d72b091a6
$PvtBULL 0x721fA494a4bE7c74dFF7542755D14F691C4E3C82
$RBULL 0xe59929ebDEeEd3718485F2876489D8BE37718954